Kris's Universal Anton Bauer Mount


  • Anton Bauer Gold Mount plate mounted to Superclamp

Please Note: Batteries and D-Tap cables are not included. You’ll need to order those separately.

Kris's Universal Anton Bauer Mount

Our man Kris loves using Anton Bauer batteries to power his gear. But with specific adapters needed for various pieces of gear, he finally got fed up and made this adapter himself so he could use his A-B batteries to power almost anything. It’s basically a Gold Plate fixed directly to a Superclamp. Mount it to a tripod, rod system, light stand, table, shelf … to anything, really. Once mounted, the battery is used to power all of your devices.

We thought it was cool, so we got him to make a bunch more for us to stock. One power source. One battery. Couldn’t be simpler. Its advantages are limited only by the user’s imagination. Here are just a few we came up with:


  • Anton Bauer Gold Mount plate mounted to Superclamp

Please Note: Batteries and D-Tap cables are not included. You’ll need to order those separately.


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